2 Powerful Ways to Use Orange Peel to Deter Pests From Your Garden in New York Organically

Unbelievably easy, orange peel can be used to keep pests away from your plant in spring.

In New York, is your garden being attacked? We'll show you effective techniques for using orange peels to get rid of pests in your garden. Although oranges are well known for providing a decent boost of vitamin C, their benefits reach far beyond the human body. Experts advise making use of this fruity favorite—or rather, its remnants—in the garden, where you may utilize the leftover orange peel to ward off pests.

2 Powerful Ways to Use Orange Peel to Deter Pests From Your Garden in New York Organically


This garden idea may appear unconventional, but it is an effective way to maintain your exteriors this springtime (and beyond) – and it has it's approved by those in the know. This is how to use orange peel to deter pests, for good.

Orange Peel Pesticide


Pests are repelled by the smell of citrus that lives on your leftover peel. However, its benefits don't end there.

'Orange peels are great for your garden, as they can help to add nutrients to your soil – aiding in the growth and maintenance of your plants,' Laura explains. This kitchen garden idea will deter pests and improve your soil's health at the same time – but where should you begin?



Expert Kevin Rodrigues from Gardening Mentor (opens in new tab) suggests there are two key ways to bring orange peel into your garden: using a spray or placing chopped-up orange peels near your plants. 



'One of the best ways to use orange peels to deter pests is to create a spray,' Kevin says. The gardener recommends boiling a few orange peels in a cup of water for ten minutes, then straining the liquid into a spray bottle  once cool.


'Spray this every 3-4 days to get rid of pests like slugs, aphids, ants, whiteflies, and fruit flies – and to keep them away,' Kevin says. This option also works equally well indoors, so you can protect your best indoor trees around your home too.



Alternatively, you can chop up (or grind) your orange peels into small pieces. 'Spread these pieces or scrapes near the base of the plants. The pungent smell of orange peels can help deter some pests and rodents away from the plants,' Kevin explains.


Kevin advises you to inquire quickly and be sure to chop the meat while it's still fresh. Once they have dried up, the expert continues, "you need to replace them."

Make sure you're only using the peels and not the orange flesh because doing so can have the opposite effect. Josh cautions that the sugars and liquids in orange flesh "may actually attract some backyard insects."

It's time to reconsider throwing away your orange peel, but with this advice, timing is everything.

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