How to prevent rodents from entering your home in New York City

Rodents are evolving and becoming immune to poison. That means the way you control rats needs to evolve as well.  

Having a rat problem is never fun, especially when it seems like you have tried everything and it hasn’t worked. The problem may not be what you are doing but the bait itself. No, I am not talking about if your rat bait is expired, but a very different and scarier one.

 The question you should be asking is, can rodents become immune to rat poison? 

 The answer is yes. According to data in the UK, they found that of the tested rats in their area, 74% of them carried a gene that made them resistant to popular rodenticides. The worst part is this isn’t just a problem in the USA. 

3 Secrets to Get Rid of Rodents That are Immune to Poison in New York

We wish the problem was as easy as buying new rodent bait, but it isn’t. Here are three ways to get rid of rats.

Use poison-free rat traps

Recruit Predators to hunt rodents

Prevent rats from entering your home

Poison Free Rat Traps

Many people are looking for humane ways to trap rats. In fact, there are a lot of different kinds of rat traps.

We recommend looking at all of them and seeing what you feel would work best for your situation as all are effective. It generally comes down to a matter of preference. That said, if one method doesn’t work, you can always try another.

 Some of the most popular rat bait stations ones are: 


Glue Traps are generally one-time use and can catch a variety of critters. They are straightforward to use and allow placement in tiny places where other traps can’t fit.


After finding a trap, you like the next question is probably going to be 

Where to place rat traps? 

 Generally, you should look for signs of where the rat is at. These signs can include where you have seen them, as well as droppings, chew marks, and stains. 

 You will want to place these near walls or along baseboards. You should avoid putting them near noisy areas or items that repel rats like peppermint plants. Which we will take about more towards the end of the article.

Recruiting Rodent Predators

There are a lot of household pets that can eat rodents like snakes, Ferrets, but you may not want them roaming around your home. 

 Cats are the typical go-to, but not all cats are created equal. Certain breeds are better rodent hunters than others. According to Chewy, Some of these breeds include the American Shorthair, Maine Coon, and the Chartreux.

Along with getting rid of your rats, cats have other significant advantages.

Cats are the most common pet owners turn to get rid of rats, but it is important to note that some dogs can also help with your rodent issue.  

Rodent Prevention

If you already have a rodent problem, you should try to get rid of them first; however, if you see one, chances are others are close by, and they will enter your home the same way the first one did. Keeping a tidy home is one of the most significant ways to prevent rodents and other pests.

Along with keeping the home clean, sealing your home so they can’t enter is also essential. Here are three ways you can deter pests from your home.

Fill Cracks in Your Wall

Keep your grass short and lawn clear

Repair leaks and water damage in your roof and basement.

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