Top Natural home remedies for your flu Symptoms

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We are going to look at some top natural home remedies for flu symptoms. 

6 Natural Remedies for Flu Symptoms 

Coming down with the flu can lead to symptoms like fever, tiredness, or chills. Natural and home remedies can relieve some of the symptoms, however, there is no cure for the flu.

The flu (or influenza) is caused by a virus. Several kinds of viruses can give you the flu. While there’s no cure for the flu, there are natural remedies that might help soothe flu symptoms. They may also help shorten how long you have the flu.

The flu typically causes respiratory — nose, throat, and lung — symptoms. Top flu symptoms are:

  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • body ache
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • sore throat
  • dry cough
  • tiredness and fatigue

The stomach flu is a flu virus that causes digestive symptoms. You might have:

  • chills
  • fever
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • diarrhea

We’ll review 6 natural remedies and explain how to use them, and why they can help.

Get plenty of rest

It’s important to rest and get more sleep when you have the flu. Sleeping can help boost your immune system. This helps your body fight off the flu virus. Cancel your usual routine and make sleep a priority to help get you back on your feet.

Drink water and fluids

Drinking water and other fluids is even more important when you have the flu. This is true whether you have a respiratory flu or a stomach flu.

Water helps to keep your nose, mouth, and throat moist. This helps your body get rid of built-up mucous and phlegm.

You can also get dehydrated if you aren’t eating or drinking normally. Diarrhea and fever (two common symptoms of a flu), can also cause water loss.

You can stay hydrated by consuming plenty of:


coconut water

sports drinks

herbal tea

fresh juice



raw fruits and vegetables

You’ll know you’re drinking enough water and liquids if:

you have to urinate regularly

the color of your urine is almost clear or pale yellow

If your urine is a deep yellow to amber color, you may be dehydrated.

It’s also helpful to avoid smoking as much as possible since it can further irritate your nose, throat, and lungs.

A warm water and salt rinse (sometimes called a salt water gargle) can soothe a sore throat. It can also help to clear mucous. Here’s how to rinse with salt water:

  1. Boil or heat up water and let it cool until it’s warm or at room temperature. Mix 1/2 tsp salt to 8 ounces of warm water.
  2. Pull the salt water to the back of your throat and gargle it for about 10 to 30 seconds so that it rinses your mouth and throat.
  3. Spit the water into a sink and repeat 2 to 4 times.

Do not swallow the salt water. Do not allow children to gargle until they can safely gargle with plain water.

Up your zinc intake

The mineral zinc is important for your immune system. This nutrient helps your body make germ-fighting white blood cells. Research shows that zinc might help ease cold and flu symptoms. Zinc helps your body fight the flu virus and may slow down how fast it multiplies.

You can take a zinc supplement or a multivitamin with zinc during flu season. You can normally get plenty of zinc from a balanced daily diet. Foods that are high in zinc include:






Apply essential oils

Some types of essential oils may help protect you against certain viruses and bacteria. One study found that tea tree oil helps to fight the flu virus by slowing or stopping the rate that the virus multiplies. According to the study, tea tree oil works best when it’s used within two hours of infection. This shows that it may help to block the flu virus from multiplying.

In practice, you might add a few drops of tea tree oil to liquid hand soap when you wash your hands or mixed into lotion you use. Some commercially made mouthwashes include it as an ingredient.

Other plant and herbal essential oils may also work as natural antibiotics and antivirals. These include:

cinnamon oil

peppermint oil

eucalyptus oil

geranium oil

lemon oil

thyme oil

oregano oil

Use essential oils only as directed. Do not ingest essential oils, many are toxic. Most essential oils can be used on the skin after they’re mixed with oils like almond or olive oil. You can add fresh and dried herbs and spices to food to get similar benefits.

Diffusing essential oils into the air with a diffuser may also help against some kinds of viruses and bacteria. Be aware that aromatherapy has an influence on children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and pets.

Inhale steam

Breathing in steam from a warm pot of water can help soothe your nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs. Steam inhalation or steam therapy uses water vapor to help loosen mucous congestion.

The warm moist air may also relieve swelling in the nose and lungs. Steam inhalation might help to soothe a dry cough, irritated nose, and chest tightness.

Ways you can heat water for steam:

in a pot on the stove

in a microwave-safe bowl or mug in the microwave

in a vaporizer

Avoid steam from boiling water. Be careful to test the temperature of the steam before breathing it in. Keep your face and hands far enough away to avoid scalding or burning yourself. Add a few drops of essential oils or a medicated vapor rub to the water for added antiviral and antioxidant benefits.

Thank you for choosing PESTHUT- The number 1 natural home remedies blog. 

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